Articles Experiences

The Coup de Edmund

by Don Dameon Greybeard
published 15 Dec 2017

My first S.C.A. event was Rowany Festival 1986, but even before that time I had made Edmund’s acquaintance through the same group of friends that dragged me along to that event (for my own good, or so they said).

I attended the occasional event and then at another festival, I think 1988, while for a variety of personal reasons and a lack of anything better to do, I was attempting to drain the tavern single handed, Edmund talked me into attending my first rapier practice. I have much to thank him for besides the pleasure that I have taken in the combat and friends I have made through it.

In 1991 I attended the first Ynys Fawr Baronial Investiture, Edmund was there as well and classes were conducted (I know, Edmund teaching, what a surprise). It was at this event that Edmund achieved renown by having a particular cutting attack named after him, it occurred during a demonstration bout, I had thrust in a low line attack to Edmund’s left abdomen, he parried my blade down and moved to place himself off line. What actually occurred however was that my blade ended between his legs and I had my hand on his forte. We paused for a moment, then I saw the look of realization on his face, and, with a smile on my face that went from ear to ear, I turned my back on him while raising my sword until positive pressure was achieved and walked off the field without looking back.

This play was henceforth known as the “Coup de Edmund”, no one laughed louder or longer than he did that day or on each occasion when the tale was retold.

Thank you for listening to an old mans fond memory of a friend.

Don Dameon Greybeard, Ancient Guild Master of Fence.

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