Master of Defence, Don, Provost

Krae Glas (Melbourne, VIC)
Contact Details
PH: +61 (0)3 9762 7795
On the 4th Day of October AS XLIV (2009), at the Great Southern Gathering, Scholar Everard Sefar, sponsored by Ancient Guildmaster Don Dameon Greybeard, did play his Provost’s Prize in the following forms: On the Cut and Thrust List – Sword and Baton & Longsword; and, On the Rapier List – Rapier and Dagger, Rapier and Baton and Single Rapier. The candidate was examined by Ancient Guildmaster Don Dameon Greybeard, Guildmasters ibn Jelal ad-Adib and Dona Silfren the Singer, and Provosts Sir Wolfram Flammenherz, Viscount Don Aylwin Greymane, Sir Haos Windchaser and Gregory Tortouse de Sloleye. After due discussion and consideration, the examiners did agree that the candidate had successfully played the Prize and he was elevated to the rank of Provost.
On the 26th of June AS XLV (2010), Their Royal Majesties Bran and Leylii did elevate Everard Sefar to the Order of the White Scarf of Lochac. The scarf given to Don Everard was a gift from Don Dameon.
On the 25th of September AS LVII (2022) at Lochac Spring Crown Tournament, Their Royal Majesties King Alain and Queen Safiya did elevate Everard Sefar to the Order of Defence.