Master of Defence, Provost

Innilgard (Blessed Herman)
Research Interests
Universal fencing concepts, Pedagogy, Comparative analysis of fencing text
Contact Details
Email: dytryk_dot_lehrer_at_gmail_dot_com
I began fencing at the end of 2017 learning longsword with a local hema school. When I was introduced to the SCA in 2019 I first picked up a rapier, discovering a love for both our game and for finding the ways that different fencing systems fit together. I played my Free Scholars prize in 2019 at Great Southern Gathering in Innilgard, teaching a class on the not so subtle art of 15th century German dagger fighting and my Provost in 2021 at the Innilgard Guild of Defence Day. My focus is on teaching, especially at the Intermediate to advanced level.
On the 7th Day of November AS LIV (2021) Dytryk Lehrer, sponsored by Provost Kit Hackforth and Guildmaster William Blackwoode, did play his Provost’s Prize. The candidate was duly examined in single sword, sword and buckler, sabre, spear, and longsword by Provosts Haos Windchaser, Gregory Tortouse de Sloleye, Aylwin Greymane, and Kit Hackforth, and Guildmaster William Blackwoode. Further by special invitation, Journeyman Ulrich of innilgard, and Yevan De leeds were also asked to examine the candidate. After careful deliberation, the body of examiners did agree that Dytryk Lehrer did successfully play the prize and elevated him to the rank of Provost.
On the 19th day of October AS LIX (2024) at the Royal Retreat of Art and Valour II, Their Royal Majesties King Bain and Queen Iglesia did elevate Dytryk Lehrer to the Order of Defence. Master Dytryk did receive two collars at the time of his elevation. The first unadorned was one he received from James of Southron Gaard, who received it from Emrys Tudor, who received it from William de Cameron, who received it as one of the original collars made for the founding of the Order. The second collar contained a medallion with the symbol of the Order, which was received from Lucius Cornelius Gordianus, who received it from Dameon Greybeard.