
Aliette le Lièvre

Maestra of Defence, Provost



Research and Teaching Interests

La Verdadera Destreza
Vulgar Destreza

Contact Details

PH: 0481 140 103
Email: willow.lucassmith_at_gmail_dot_com


Fields of Gold, Barony of Politarchopolis AS 53, December 2018

To all who profess skill at arms, let it be known that: I Provost Alessandro di Firenzi did give leave and license to our Scholar Aliette le Lievre, to play her Free Scholar’s Prize against all Free Scholars Journeymen, Provosts and Guild Masters in all the subtle mysteries of Single Rapier. This is to give notice that the candidate did take the field at Fields of Gold, and was duly examined by Free Scholars: Zanobia Adimari, Seumas Gaksin Journeywomen: Merione French, Raegan de Cressy, Provost: Adair MacDermid After due consideration, it was decided that the Candidate did successfully bear away the Prize. The yellow scarf which was presented by the Crown was made by Alessandro di Firenzi from off cuts of a dress of Lady Ysabella Vitale who was a strong supporter of the Fencing community.


Fields of Gold AS 54, November 2019

I, Provost Lorcan Ruadh did give leave and license to Free Scholar, Aliette le Lièvre, to play their journeywomans Prize against all, Journeymen, Provosts, and Guildmasters in all their subtle mysteries in the following weapons, viz: Single Sword, Sword and Dagger and Sword and Cloak.
This is to give notice that the candidate was duly examined by, Journeypersons Amanda Martel, Yvan Yaroslavic and Gaspar di Falk de Cantoria, Provost Gomez de Crécy, Guildmistress Juliana de Northwood and Guildmaster Owain Cantor ap Hugh at Fields of Gold, on Saturday 30 November at 2:00, and was successful in bearing away of the prize.
Her scarf was was passed down Provost Lorcan Ruadh, preceeded by Journeywoman Liadan ingen Fheradaig and made by Guildmaster Damian Greybead.


Fields of Gold X AS 57 on the day of 26th , November 2022

At Fields of Gold X in Politarchopolis on 26 November A.S. XLVII (2022), I gave Leave and License to our Journeywoman Aliette le Liėvre to play her Provost’s Prize against all Provosts, Guildmasters and Guildmistresses.

The candidate commenced the Prize with a demonstration of the Application of Conclusions in Destreza. The candidate was then examined in the weapons forms of Rapier and Cloak; Rapier and Baton; Rapier and Dagger; and Rapier. 

The candidate was examined by Provosts Alessandro di Firenze, Dytryk Lehrer, Gomez de Crecy and Lorcan Ruadh, and by Guildmaster ibn Jelal and Guildmistress Juliana de Northwood.

This was a physically challenging Prize in warm conditions, and the candidate took several breaks in addition to breaks between the forms. All examiners should be credited for their support in ensuring that the candidate continued the Prize in her own time, with no pressure to return to the field. 

The examiners discussed the Prize in the presence of King Jayne. There was some discussion of the candidate’s  work with the Baton and some minor feedback on the use of the Cloak. The Provosts were encouraged to provide feedback to the candidate at an appropriate time. 

All examiners were unanimous in their agreement that the candidate had met the requirements of the Prize. 

Guildmistress Juliana provided her original Provost’s sash, which was presented to Provost Aliette by Her Excellency Anne de Tournais, Baroness of Politarchopolis, and by Their Majesty King Jayne Hunter.