Master of Defence, Don, Guildmaster

Rowany (Sydney, NSW)
Contact Details
PH: +61 (0)415 117 359
Research Interests
Capo Ferro, the I33 manuscript, medieval swordsmanship and period heavy combat.
Teaching Specialty
Footwork, actions on the blade, combat psychology and tactical fencing
I joined the SCA at O-Week in 1998 and started period fencing within two weeks. I had previously been fencing mundanely for around five years. I like fencing 🙂
On the 17th of April AS XL (2006), Their Royal Majesties Aedward and Yolande did elevate Caleb Adolphous to the Order of the White Scarf of Lochac. The scarf given to Don Caleb was a gift from Don François.
On the 12th of August AS XLI (2006), at the North of the Border Fencing Fest in Riverhaven, Provost Caleb Adolphous, sponsored by Lord Guildmaster Dameon Greybeard, and with the approval of the Body of Guildmasters, did play his Guildmaster’s Prize in the following weapons: case of rapier; rapier and dagger; rapier and parrying gauntlet; rapier and buckler; rapier and cloak; rapier and baton; and rapier. The candidate was examined by Guildmasters Silfren the Singer, Henry Fox, ibn Jelal and Edmund the Lame. At the conclusion of the forms, at the request of Their Excellencies the Baron and Baroness of River Haven, Provost Caleb faced Guildmaster Edmund in a final bout for the life of a hostage (played most ably by Provost Somerled of Redcliffe). The Guildmasters concluded that the candidate had most successfully played his Prize, and did raise Don Caleb Adolphus to the rank, privileges and responsibilities of Guildmaster in the Royal Guild of Defence in Lochac.
On the 2nd May, AS L (2015), Their Royal Majesties Kinggiyadai and Altani did elevate Caleb Adolphous to the Order of Defence as one of the 3 premier members of the Order.