Master of Defence, Provost

Darton (Wellington, New Zealand)
Contact Details
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Research Interests
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Teaching Specialty
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On Tuesday the 5th day of February AS XLII (2008), at Canterbury Faire: Scholar Benjamin of Darton, sponsored by Provost Luan an Fael, did play his Free Scholar’s Prize in the form of Rapier and Cloak. The candidate was examined by Free Scholar Emilio de Batista, Journeymen Maree de Cauty and Benedict of Askerigg, and Provosts Baron Alessandro von Florenz and William de Cameron. The examiners did agree that the candidate had successfully played the Prize and did acknowledge and elevate him to the rank of Free Scholar;
In AS XLIV (2009) at Canterbury Fair: Free Scholar Diego Alonso Moreno Sponsored by Provost Luan an Fael played his Journeyman’s Prize in the forms of, Single Rapier, Rapier and Dagger and Case of Rapier. The Candidate was examined by Táriq ibn Jelal ibn Ziyadatallah al-Naysábúrí, records of the other examiners are lost to the passage of time. The examiners did agree that the candidate had successfully played the Prize and did acknowledge and elevate him to the rank of Journeyman.
On Saturday the 11th day of May, at May Crown AS 54 (2019) Journeyman Diego Alonso Moreno of Darton, sponsored by Lucius Cornelius Gordianus, did play his Provosts Prize in the forms of Single Rapier, Rapier and Dagger, under the Rapier rules, under the Cut and Thrust rules. A case of swords, Sword and Buckler, & Chang Dao (Chinese Longsword). The candidate was examined by Provosts Thomas of Darton & James of Southron Gaard and the Lord Guildmaster Emrys Tudor. After examining him in the rain the examiners concluded that the candidate had successfully played the Prize and Diego was elevated to the rank of Provost. He obtained a scarf with the following lineage: Tariq ibn Jelal ibn Ziyadatallah al-Naysaburi presented it to Thomas of Darton of his achieving the rank of Provost Thomas of Darton presented the scarf to Diego Alonso Moreno on his achieving the rank of Provost.
On the 25th of January AS LVIII (2024) at Canterbury Faire 2024, Their Royal Majesties King Aonghus and Queen Ginevra, did elevate Diego Alonso Moreno to the Order of Defence, and did name him Master. In token of his elevation, Master Diego was presented with a white collar made by Maestro ibn Jelal.