Master of Defence, Don, Ancient Guildmaster (Deceased)

In the world before fencing Primal chaos reigned, Heaven sought order, but the Pegasus can fly only when its feathers are grown. The SCA Kingdoms formed again and yet again, as endless aeons wheeled and passed. Time and the pure essences of Heaven, The moistures of the Earth, and the powers of the Sun and the Moon all worked upon a certain rock – old as Creation, and it became magically fertile. That first egg was named Emotion, and Odin, the Father God, said ‘With our emotions we shake the world’. Elemental forces caused the egg to hatch, from it then came a Lame Ape.
The nature of Edmund was GRUMPY!
In time he was befriended by a wandering Frenchman, who imparted to him a vision of a Society with fencing as one of its martial endeavours. Labouring hard, they wrote rules, developed weapons, and eventually received approval to start fencing in Lochac.
Edmund has travelled widely, and lived in several parts of Lochac and the Known World. He is one of the founders for fencing in Stormhold and then Riverhaven, as well as kickstarting programs in other Baronies such as Innilgard.
On the 1st of Oct AS XXXIII (1998), Their Royal Majesties Jade & Siobhan did officially recognise the West Kingdom Royal Guild of Fence, and did elevate Edmund the Lame to the rank of Ancient Guildmaster.
On the 16th of May, AS XLIV (2009), Their Royal Majesties Vik and Inga did elevate Edmund the Lame to the Order of the White Scarf of An Tir. One of the scarves he received that day was from his student Don Henry Fox, which was the scarf received by Don François, who received it from Adib ibn Jelal, who received it from Don Tivar Moondragon.
To the Great Regret of the entire Guild of Defence and Lochac’s fencing community, Don Edmund passed from this world on the 5th of January 2014 after battling with cancer.
On the 14th day of March AS LI (2017), Their Royal Majesties of Avacal, Albrecht von Rügen and Munya bint Halima al-Rakkasa al-Nashita, did posthumously elevate Edmund the Lame to the Order of Defence, in recognition of the years of service he had provided to Their Kingdom.
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