By Journeyman Aelfrythe of Saxony Originally published in Punta Dritta January AS XL (2006) This pathfinder has been complied to assist those members of the Society for Creative Anachronism pursuing the rank of Free Scholar in The Royal Guild of Defence, a subgroup of that organisation. These resources have been put together with the help […]
Author: Rapier Webwright
By François Henri GuyonOriginally published in Punta Dritta July AS XL (2005) Sword For much of the middle ages it was uncommon for people to wear swords as part of everyday dress. A knight would wear his sword on ceremonial occasions, and travellers would wear swords on journeys, but most people in England and France […]
by Guildmaster ibn Jelal, OWLOriginally published 25 Nov 2004 Introduction Many of you will have seen the blue and white livery jackets used by the instructors of the Rowany Guild School. Many of you have asked how to make your own. Well I’ve finally bowed to the pressure, so the intsructions will follow. When Luan […]
Introduction So what’s with the funny title??? It’s inspired by the effect using this first collection of drills in your training can do for your fencing ability. This is what I hope will be an ongoing collection of drills developed by members of the Guild. The first collection of drills were written by Provost Diccon […]
by Lady Bella Lucia da Verona (Anabella Wake) ORLBarony of Innilgard, Kingdom of Lochac Originally published 9 September 2003Revised 4 February 2005 Contents Scope Of This Discussion Paper Scope Of This Discussion Paper According to the Lochac Rapier Combat Rules, rapier combat in Lochac “is intended to re-create the styles of the fifteenth and sixteenth […]
Playing The Prize
By Silfren the Singer and ibn Jelal Originally published in Punta Dritta November AS XXXVIII (2003)Republished in Punta Dritta July 2007 ASXLII (2007) This isn’t “The Gospel According To The Guild of Defence”, but the thoughts of two Guildmasters, Silfren and ibn Jelal, who played the first prizes in Lochac and have examined many since. […]
by ibn Jelal Originally published in Punta Dritta January AS XXXV (2001), revised 16 May 2003 Introduction These blades are based on the techniques developed by Edmund the Lame (See Edmund’s Original fibreglass rapier construction instructions) Due to my preference for a more edge defined blade than Edmund’s triangular cross section, the design here is […]
by Edmund the Lame What You Will Need Equipment Some Definitions R = length of rapier (including hilt) in inchesX = R – 7″Y = R – 11″Z = R – 15″ R = blade length + 4″ handle sinkage allowance.(adjust for sinkage allowance but anything less than 4″ doesn\’t give enough stability. – with […]
By Fergus MacTighearnainOriginally published in Punta Dritta June / July AS XXXVI (2001) Greetings everyone, I would like to share with everyone the results of the cutting test I performed at Valhalla this weekend. The test cutting subject was a 40 lbs. room temperature pork hind quarter, which was then covered with one (1) layer […]
The Secret Blow
by François Henri GuyonOriginally published in Punta Dritta June/July AS XXXVI (2001) The secret blow has always been a part of the teaching of Civilian Combat. Certain blows used at the correct time that are unable to be parried, or parries that will destroy any attack. Men who purported to know such blows were treated […]